Attract love.

You deserve it all. A love that is everything.

You have kissed the proverbial frog (or two) but so far love has evaded.

There really is someone out there for everyone and as long as you are being your best you, out there living your most authentic life, you will attract the right people and right situations into your life.

There is a saying that rings true, You don’t find the right partner you become the right partner.

Hypnotherapy can help you to grow and develop your life, your confidence and your ability to put yourself out there so that you can rest easy knowing your partner is looking for you too.

Attracting Love

Know Yourself

How do you know who is the right person for you? You know you want someone who’s personality and qualities accentuate your own.

Your own qualities being…?

Whatever they are they are plentiful and amazing but do you really know yourself? 

Do you know how amazing you are or what you bring to the table?

What about what you want in a partner?

Spending time getting to know you and being totally confident in who you are will always attract the right people to you, not just in love but in friendship too.

Know Your Worth

A sad truth is that many people settle in relationships that are not healthy because they don’t believe they are worth any more than that. 

Everybody (Who is a genuinely descent person) has so much to offer. 

You have so much to offer and you are worth everything. You are worth love, respect and passion.

Hypnotherapy can help to remove subconscious blockages and allow your true inner confidence and strength to shine so that you can truly know the value you bring to any relationship.

When you know your value, you naturally attract people to you who will treat you accordingly.

Hypnotherapy can help you to reduce the symptoms on a deeper inner level, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms, helping you to move forward with the creation that is your life.

Be Your Best

Of course it’s not all sunshine and roses. 

Self reflection is always healthy, and honest self reflection, while often painful is necessary for growth so don’t be scared to look in the mirror. 

Are you relationship ready?

Do you have a handle on your baggage and are you truly ready to bring your best to the table?

Hypnotherapy can help you get in touch with your authentic self, overcome past hurts and get motivated to be the very best version of you.

By focusing on living the best life possible, you will always attarct the right people to you.

Open to Connection

If you have been through a bad relationship or messy break up, it’s only natural to be a little gun shy when it comes to opening your heart to another again.

Hypnotherapy can help you to heal and open yourself to the possibilty of finding love

Allow Love to Grow

When your’re confidently enjoying living your best life, open to possibility, there’s no need to force connection where it doesn’t exist.

You can have faith that the right person will come along into a love that is just allowed to grow naturally, healthily and peacefully.

Attract Love Hypnotherapy Melbourne

Get Your Life Back

Do you feel overwhelmed by life’s experiences and unable to cope because your feelings of nervousness are debilitating?

Perhaps your quality of life is compromised because you avoid situations because you worry about things that might happen? We offer anxiety hypnotherapy in Melbourne to persons in a constant state of tension or who consider themselves trapped in their feelings of deep psychological discomfort.

This form of therapy guides the individual into a deep state of relaxation where the mind is receptive to positive suggestions.

Benefits of hypnotherapy

Find Freedom

Hypnotherapy can help you find freedom from anxiety symptoms so that ou can breathe easy again and really begin living.

Feel Confident

You can leave anxiety behind and discover happiness and confidence as you tackle each day with clear calm clarity.

Move Forward in Life

There’s no need to keep looking back, you can keep moving and looking forward to the fullfilling life that awaits.

Rapid Results

In just four to six sessions, clients will usually notice a better sense of well-being and positive changes in their behavior.

What Sets R.G. Hypnotherapy Apart Regarding Attracting Love Melbourne

Our hypnosis therapy for anxiety focuses on addressing your mental health at a subconscious level. There we challenge the source of habits that hinder your progress and replace it with more empowering thoughts. The concept behind this is neuroplasticity, where you’re able to rewire your brain to adapt to circumstances to improve your life experience.

  • Highly qualified and experienced. Our therapist has an advanced diploma in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming from the Australian College of Hypnotherapy. She treats the cause of mental disorders for lasting change and not merely addressing the symptom.

  • Cost-effective. We cater to individuals of different budgets. After all, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your psychological well-being because you’re unable to afford it. We offer a free initial consultation, one or one and a half hour sessions, or you have the option of four, six or ten session packages.

  • Professional. We understand the challenges that come with finally deciding to take control of your mental health and the amount of effort required to reach out for help. We offer a non-judgmental environment where we treat client information with confidentiality so that individuals can open up without reservations and get to work on their peace of mind.

live your best life

Consider Hypnotherapy

While hypnotherapy isn’t a magic wand or a cure all, studies have shown that not only is it effective treating all manner of issues it does so in many cases much, much faster than traditional talk therapies. Not only that, studies have also shown that when used in as part of your health care team, outcome in all areas of your life can be improved. As an added bonus as if you needed more, hypnotherapy is almost entirely relaxing and enjoyable to participate in.


Long past the traumatic event, associated emotional and physical distress can be activated even by non-threatening triggers. Hypnosis may help to identify these stimuli for resolution.


Hypnotherapy creates a trance state, a condition of intense physical and mental relaxation. While this relaxation alone may offer some relief from trauma symptoms, it also facilitates and enhances relevant additional therapies.


The relaxed, trance state allows reliving the distressing trauma in a safe environment and under the trained therapist’s supervision. More appropriate reactions to identified triggers are then introduced, gradually reducing the stress response’s severity. Your therapist may also provide ongoing ‘homework’, including breathing exercises, meditation and self-hypnosis techniques.

Book Your Initial Consultation and Attract your dream love