Emotional Wellness


I think we can all agree, anxiety sucks the proverbial… Anxiety can be hugely motivating in a stressful situation and can propel us forward into action but then the scale tips and the fear and uncertainty of anxiety begins to hold us back while our heart rate...

Emotional Trauma

Traumatic events can leave a lasting imprint on us as our subconscious works to ensure we never have to experience what has hurt us ever again, building a wall in between ourselves and others and creating behaviors which can have a devastating effect...


We all know that a good night sleep is vital to health and wellbeing and if you have trouble falling or staying asleep, not only are the hours staring at the ceiling in the dark often almost unbearably lonely but when we haven’t slept properly, we get sluggish and foggy...


It sounds like a bit of a cliche’, especially in today's culture of positive thinking, manifestation and whole-body health but mindset really does matter. Knowing who you are, what you stand for and how to have the confidence to apply that amazingness...

Stress Management

Aaaah, the daily grind. What we would we do without it?   Be a lot healthier and happier in all probability. A certain amount of stress can be good for us but too much can very quickly have us in state of overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout.  It is easier than you...

Anger Management

If you stop and really think about it, there are so many things in the world that may cause aggravation or anger. There are always major injustices or injuries as well as the little day to day things that get under our skin...


Phobia is more than just being a little scared or worried about something. Phobias are intense, irrational fears that can significantly disrupt normal functioning. Whether it's fear of flying, heights, spiders, or any other trigger, these anxieties can limit your experiences

Inner Child Healing

The concept of the inner child refers to the emotional and psychological imprint of our childhood experiences. These early impressions can profoundly influence our thoughts, behaviors, and emotional...


PTSD is a complex and challenging condition that can result from exposure to traumatic events. Symptoms may include intrusive thoughts, nightmares, hypervigilance, and emotional reactivity. Hypnotherapy offers...


Welcome to R.G. Hypnotherapy, where hope is rekindled, and the shadows of depression are gently lifted through the transformative power of hypnotherapy. Our compassionate team of hypnotherapist...


Are you someone who experiences intense emotional reactions to everyday situations? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by your emotions, struggling to maintain balance in the face of life's


Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) holding you captive in a cycle of intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors? At R.G. Hypnotherapy, we specialize in helping individuals


Welcome to a realm of possibilities where the power of the mind takes center stage in the journey to manage and alleviate the challenges of ADHD. At R.G. Hypnotherapy, we...


Grieving the loss of a loved one is a profound and deeply personal journey. At R.G. Hypnotherapy, we offer a compassionate space for individuals navigating grief...


Step into a world where the warmth of confidence outshines the blush of self-consciousness. If blushing has become a source of discomfort, hypnotherapy offers a gentle yet powerful solution to help