weight loss.

There are so many weight loss fads out there all promising to help you to get and stay trim but often it can seem that no matter wat you do the weight won’t shift or you get stuck on the diet merry go round trying something new every few months or years just searching for something that works for you.You can stop! It can be so much easier than you think to stop and learn new ways of looking and feeling good about yourself that don’t require you to sell your soul for a little bit of success

Let's Talk About Weight Loss


As in with every thing in life, finding a healthy mindest is key to finding a healthy body.

Afterall, what the mind believes, the body will respond to meaning that if you believe you can’t lose weight, your body will too and if you believe that it’s too hard, then your body will agree and will indeed be too hard and with all this going on, it can be hard to get the motivation and self -esteem to even just start.

Hypnotherapy can help you over come limiting beliefs about your health and build the confidence you need to create change, lose weight, find health and stay fit for life.


Finding health isn’t just about finding a “diet” that works for you, rather it’s about creating a healthy life style that nourishes, sustains and supports a a size and weight that is just right for you. Hypnotherapy can help you to find pleasure in healthy foods and actvities again.

Having a healthy body image and learning to love your body just as you are is a vital part of finding a healthy lifestyle. it makes sense to love your body now, afterall, the love and care your body craves is exactly the love and care required to help your body to be at it’s best and meet your weight loss goals. Hypnotherapy can help you to find a healthy body image so that you can care for yourself the way you really need.


Change is always the hardest part of beginning on any journey to health. Change in mindset, habit, lifestyle and life are all required to move from the place where you are now.

So much change can be daunting and it can be hard to know where to start.

Hypnotherapy can help you access your own inner resources to make the right choices for yourself and motivate you to elicit real and proper change that can last a life time.

Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is all important to finding health and losing weight but finding the motivation to actually enjoy the foods you know you want to eat can really get in the way.

Not only can hypnotherapy help you find the motivation to stick to your healthy eating plan, it can also help you to find pleasure and enjoyment in the foods that nurture and nourish your body.

Remove Emotional Triggers to Eating

Boredom, depression, low self esteem and lonliness can all trigger binge eating sessions that provide momentary relief from our issues as all “yummy” food hits the system and our body releases all of the feel good hormones. This is short lived though as we come down from the sugar high and start to feel worse than before we went on the binge to begin with. Being able to recognise and overcome emotional triggers to eating puts the control back squarely where you want it to be. With you. Hypnotherapy can help you to ain control of bad habits and emotional eating so that you can lose the weight you desire and feel and look great.


It can be a drag to try and get yourself out to do some exercise but of course, the health benefits of getting some exercise don’t just stop with the ability to lose weight.

Exercise has the ability to lift our mood as it releases all of those feel good endorphins and keeps the muscles and joints strong and limber.

Feel Great

There’s nothing that feels better than taking control and achieving your goals and as you reach your health and fitness goals you will reap all of the benefits and feel great, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Hypnotherapy can help you to take control and make the changes you need to live your best life.
Hypnotherapy can help you find a place where making healthy choices is the norm, a piece of fruit is enjoyable to eat again and you remember just how good it feels to use your

Find Health

You have everything you need right there with you to create change and find real and lasting health that can last you a lifetime.
As you begin to develop sound dietary and activity habits, not only will you begin to look amazing and hit the perfect size and shape for you, you will also begin to feel truly amazing and wake each day full of health and vitality.

When you look after your body, your body will look after you and you will find that you are just simply healthier, naturally.

Gastric Banding

Gastric banding is a popular surgical option to help with weight loss. As with any surgery, this option comes with risks and requires anesthetic and recovery time. On top of this, in many cases, the end result is that food quantities are restricted but so are the nutrients absorbed by the body, leaving the patient feeling lethargic and often unwell. Not the optimal way to enjoy your new slender body!

Hypnotherapy offers a completely non invasive and non-surgical option called virtual gastric banding which carries a success rate comparable to the actual surgery.

This process gives all of the benefits such as reduced appetite and food intake with none of the pitfalls such as reduced nutrient absorption which means that health and vitality naturally become a part of your day and with no recovery time you can get back to the business of living sooner.

Menu and Meal Planning

Do you struggle to know how to include a healthy balanced diet as part of your daily life?

As part of your therapy we will analyse your diet and pinpoint areas for improvement, putting together meal and menu plans that work for you.

Combined with the hypnotherapy portion of your treatment you will be armd with everything you need to maintain healthy habits for the rest of your life.

weight loss Hypnotherapy Melbourne

Get Your Life Back

Do you feel overwhelmed by life’s experiences and unable to cope because your feelings of nervousness are debilitating?

Perhaps your quality of life is compromised because you avoid situations because you worry about things that might happen? We offer hypnotherapy in Melbourne to persons in a constant state of tension or who consider themselves trapped in their feelings of deep psychological discomfort.

This form of therapy guides the individual into a deep state of relaxation where the mind is receptive to positive suggestions.

Benefits of hypnotherapy

Find Freedom

Hypnotherapy can help you find freedom from anxiety symptoms so that ou can breathe easy again and really begin living.

Feel Happy and Confident

You can leave anxiety behind and discover happiness and confidence as you tackle each day with clear calm clarity.

Move Forward in Life

There’s no need to keep looking back, you can keep moving and looking forward to the fullfilling life that awaits.

Rapid Results

In just four to six sessions, clients will usually notice a better sense of well-being and positive changes in their behavior.

What Sets R.G. Hypnotherapy Apart Regarding Weight Loss Treatment Melbourne

Our hypnosis therapy for weight loss focuses on addressing your mental health at a subconscious level. There we challenge the source of habits that hinder your progress and replace it with more empowering thoughts. The concept behind this is neuroplasticity, where you’re able to rewire your brain to adapt to circumstances to improve your life experience.

  • Highly qualified and experienced. Our therapist has an advanced diploma in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming from the Australian College of Hypnotherapy. She treats the cause of mental disorders for lasting change and not merely addressing the symptom.
  • Cost-effective. We cater to individuals of different budgets. After all, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your psychological well-being because you’re unable to afford it. We offer a free initial consultation, one or one and a half hour sessions, or you have the option of four, six or ten session packages.
  • Professional. We understand the challenges that come with finally deciding to take control of your mental health and the amount of effort required to reach out for help. We offer a non-judgmental environment where we treat client information with confidentiality so that individuals can open up without reservations and get to work on their peace of mind.

live your best life

Consider Hypnotherapy

While hypnotherapy isn’t a magic wand or a cure all, studies have shown that not only is it effective treating all manner of issues it does so in many cases much, much faster than traditional talk therapies. Not only that, studies have also shown that when used in as part of your health care team, outcome in all areas of your life can be improved. As an added bonus as if you needed more, hypnotherapy is almost entirely relaxing and enjoyable to participate in.


Long past the traumatic event, associated emotional and physical distress can be activated even by non-threatening triggers. Hypnosis may help to identify these stimuli for resolution.


Hypnotherapy creates a trance state, a condition of intense physical and mental relaxation. While this relaxation alone may offer some relief from trauma symptoms, it also facilitates and enhances relevant additional therapies.


The relaxed, trance state allows reliving the distressing trauma in a safe environment and under the trained therapist’s supervision. More appropriate reactions to identified triggers are then introduced, gradually reducing the stress response’s severity. Your therapist may also provide ongoing ‘homework’, including breathing exercises, meditation and self-hypnosis techniques.

Book An Initial Consultation And Become The Fittest & Healthiest Version Of You